Yellow Pills - Death By Elvis
Big Takeover: Interview
“Absolutely timeless. Genre diversity fuels what Ryan is doing as Yellow Pills. I love it.” – Jim DeRogatis, Sound Opinions
“The bizarre sense of humor with song titles however has nothing on the music, which will be appreciated by those of you who dig bands like Combustible Edison, The Ventures, Gogol Bordello or Booker T among others. The project feels like it’s all encompassing of many genre’s and pulls them into a blender and spits them back out, sometimes in a mixed up fashion.” – Sam Lowry, Rebel Noise
‘Death By Elvis’ is an interesting mix of well everything. People who have good taste in music are going to here something to love on this whether indie hip hop, the lead off Gogol Bordello-ish track, the jazz adjacent or surf rock or synth wave, this album just does it all and does it well. Yellow Pills is the solo project of bandleader Ryan Miera who is the person behind Chicago’s surf soul indie project The Limbos. However in recent years Yellow Pills his side project has taken on a life of it’s own. Doing well across the country on indie radio starting in 2021 with 2 LP’s: Space Age Inferno and Machines That Go Beep. As if that wasn’t enough Miera followed it up with 2022’s Too Many Metrics.
Yellow Pills brings another delivery of momentous music that still delivers the perfect dose of vintage, evocative & captivating sounds with none of the trendy repetitive routines other tired instrumental acts are trying to achieve. Recently Yellow Pills has slowly but surely formed into a 4 piece band after being a solo project for many years. Ryan Miera has done 99% of the instrumentation that’s on the albums but he has since added Ben Rosales, Matt Riggen and Chris Ditton to the project.