Latewaves - Hell to Pay
LATEWAVES was born on a warm New Jersey morning in 2016. Waking up on the beach after a long night, Shawna Grabowski (drums) and Mike Pellegrino (guitars/vox) decided to finally take action on their pact to start a band. After accosting longtime friend Howie Cohen *(bass/vox)*, and a few EP’s and tours later, the band decided to put everything they had into creating their first full length, Hell to Pay, with the help of Brett Romnes (producer of Free Throw, Heart Attack Man, Hot Mulligan, Seaway) and Vinnie Caruana (The Movielife, I Am the Avalanche).
LATEWAVES sounds like what slamming a PBR and screaming at the top of your lungs feels like; cathartic yet suspiciously fun. Full of rage and attitude, LATEWAVES aren’t afraid to dive deep into topics like depression and anxiety because they know that everyone skims rock bottom from time to time.
Full of explosive, guitar driven riffs and satirical, self reflective lyrics, Hell to Pay offers a unique authenticity for listeners to connect with. It’s the candle you find in the junk drawer after your power gets shut off because you couldn’t afford the bill last month. It’s the backpack beer your friend offers you when you get to the show after a terrible day at work. It’s a good book you nuzzle into trying to forget the world. It’s a fun night and the rough morning that precedes it. It’s honest, articulate, and full of passion. It’s LATEWAVES.
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