Otter Petter - Cobwebs [EP]


“This is near perfect pop music.”  – WXRT

“Like Death Cab for Cutie or Telekinesis stuffed into a pint of Ben & Jerry’s” – Chicago Tribune

On their new EP Cobwebs, Chicago, IL quartet Otter Petter charms with a beguiling blend of chiming, soaring classic mid-aughts indie rock buoyed by a measured dose of engaging pop anthemics. Fittingly, the record exhorts us to search for hope within the darkness of daily life; the undeniable melodic optimism playing perfect counterpoint to the deeply human lyricism.

Shortly after inception, Otter Petter – brothers Michael (guitar, vocals) and William Pritchard (drums), and Nate Lindsey (bass) – was chosen by the Chicago Tribune to compete in the “Metromix Rock ‘n’ Vote” contest. Readers voted with their hearts, and Otter Petter was chosen as one of four winning bands to play a show at Metro in Chicago.

In 2008, the band’s first full-length album Fireflies and Lamplights was greeted with glowing reviews. The 2011 follow up Nice Night for a Knife Fightwas similarly lauded, breaking into the CMJ “Top 200” and being selected by Huffington Post as one of the top Chicago records of the year.

Following the release of the 2018 single “Movies”, the band began work on new material with the hopes of a new release not too far down the horizon. Though slowed by the global pandemic, Michael continued writing songs quietly in his basement. As vaccines spread and fear began to fade, the occasional fully masked jam session moved things along at a slightly less glacial pace. Soon enough, the band moved into a practice space in Ft. Knox Studios in Chicago.  It was then that the arrangements and vibes for many of the new songs started to come into form.

In 2022 the trio met Hillary Stone (keyboards) at a gig she where she was sitting in with another band. “She was a great fit right away, filling a void we’d had at keyboards and vocals” says Michael. The new quartet dove into the work of crafting new arrangements and was soon ready to head to the studio.

To track the record, the band headed to Transient Sounds Studios and producer / engineer Steven Gillis (Filter, Los Lobos). “Steven really helped the band grow, particularly from a production standpoint” tells Michael. “He encouraged us to try new approaches and parts to help fully realize these songs’ potential. Things like experimenting with alternative tunings, unique drum fills and parts, and vocal arrangements.  He was amazing to work with.”

From those sessions Otter Petter is proud to bring you Cobwebs. A concise collection of undeniable earwigs, flecked with bittersweet introspection, ready to bring both joy and companionship. So, lean into the jubilant melodies and the “oohs and ahhs”… because that’s kind of what life is.


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Death Cab For Cutie, Telekinesis, The Shins, The Decemberists, Say Hi, Matt Pond PA