Hudson K


Hudson K
Ouroboros and the Black Dove
ADDS 6/18/13

Hudson K is the real deal, a band with influences galore but a sound that is their own, a rare quality in this day of the doppelgängers haunting the charts and airwaves...Hudson K has knocked one out of the park with this one;” - Jim Sells, Enigma Magazine
“Local piano/chamber-pop diva Christina Horn, the driving force behind the band Hudson K, stakes out new territory on the new song “The Knife,” an atmospheric, electronic-pop anthem with anxious, insistent rhythms, styled, maybe, after the Eurythmics or Peter Gabriel. It’s part of a batch of songs Horn is working on for the follow-up to 2010’s Shine.” - Matthew Everett, Metro Pulse 
Hudson K is the sound of passion unleashed by the multi-talented duo, Christina Horn and Nate Barrett. Born from years of classical training and technical refinement, Horn’s determined grit and adventurous spirit has driven the evolution of Hudson K over the past six years to create an experience that swings seamlessly between the branches of synth-heavy experimental meta-rock, pop-dance tunes, and powerful soul-searing ballads.

With their national debut, Ouroboros and the Black Dove, Hudson K has cemented the sound they have been building on stages across the eastern states.

Under the guidance of internationally-renowned producer, Jason Rubal, and his team at Seventh Wave Studios, Horn and Barrett found the courage to dive deep in this brave, genre bending musical mosaic, Ouroboros and the Black Dove.

RIYL: School of Seven Bells, Kate Bush, Grimes
TRY: #5, 6, 7, 9, 11

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