
Dark Eyes
Mint Records
ADDS 1/26/10
Meet the latest addition to the Mint Records family, Olivia Fetherstonhaugh, or as we like to call her musical alter ego, Fanshaw. As a prior member of The Choir Practice and important part of Vancouver's eclectic music community, we think she's going to fit in just nicely. Her Mint debut, Dark Eyes, will arrive in record shops on February 9th, 2010. Always one to support her her friends, Olivia recruited fellow Choir singers, Larisa Lloyva (P:ano, Kellarissa) and Shane Turner (Love and Mathematics) to play on her record. Visual artist, Karin Bubaš (also a Choir member) created Fanshaw artwork and took photographs. She also snatched up fellow CITR Shindig winner, Johnny Payne (Victoria, Victoria, The Shilohs) to play drums. Written over a five-year period, the debut album 'Dark Eyes' explores the dynamic tension between individual and identity through Fetherstonhaugh’s direct yet revealing prose. Each lyric teems with a passionate desperation yet the urgency of Fanshaw’s narratives are offset by a soothing delivery that rivals her writing.
RIYL: Warpaint, Marissa Nadler, Cat Power
TRY: #2, 5, 6, 8, 9
Full Album Available Here: