
The Meadow At Dusk
Mint 400 Records
ADDS 11/17/09
"It features some of their most accomplished and entertaining songwriting, and that’s saying something: I own half a dozen Fairmont releases. The tracks have an immediate glow and yet still grow in enjoyment as you hear them more; that’s something most bands wish they could accomplish."- Stephen Carradini | Independent Clauses.com
"Intelligent, well sung, well written and extremely tight musicianship. Not to mention the fact that it was produced well too." - John | The Land of Nod WRPR FM 90.3
"rocking, paranoid, i love it, the video gives me the creeps for a minute there, but great ending. anyway, right on in my book" - Matthew Caws (Nada Surf)
"Fairmont is indie rock we should all be thankful for" - Amp Magazine
RIYL: Stars
TRY: #1, 3, 4
Full Album Available Here: