Drook - The Pure Joy of Jumping
Drook’s debut LP, The Pure Joy of Jumping, stands as a testament to the lofty ambitions of the Richmond, Virginia-based group and their ever-spinning wheelhouse of interests and tastes. Written up and down the east coast, in studios, bedrooms and coffee shops, the contents of Jumping are as traveled as the band itself. Conceived over a period of four years, this deeply personal coming-of-age record explores identity, interpersonal relationships, and the modern malaise of American life. Underscored by an earnest sense of humor and pointed self-evaluation, Jumping plays out over 11 songs driven by frenetic rhythms, blissed-out guitars, and colorful synth arrangements. It’s an aggregation of self-expression with a limitless approach to form.
With supporting slots for Turnover, Beabadoobee, MSPAINT and Orville Peck under their belts, Drook will be hitting the road again in support of their new record throughout the remainder of 2024 and into 2025. Catch them on tour as they play tracks from Jumping.
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