Dead Bars - All Dead Bars Go To Heaven


Seattle’s Dead Bars, in the words of Razorcake, “make something impossible to duplicate look so simple and attainable.” For over a decade the band, founded and led by John Maiello, have been belting out life-affirming hard rock with the same gift for the craft as acts like JapandroidsWhite Reaper, and Fucked Up. Since then, they’ve earned both national accolades and a reputation as a local institution, the band you’re likely to see sweating it up onstage any given night.

Their newest record, All Dead Bars Go To Heaven, reminds us that there’s “arguably no better Seattle band,” according to The Seattle Times. Its ten hook-laden heavy hitters, from rousing opener “Ghost” to anthemic closer “Be Me” comprise a new chapter: a reintroduction to a new generation ready to escape the grind, as well as a reminder to the previous one of their potency. The emphasis is on heaven: a place of eternal reward for a life lived virtuously, regardless of the love or loss that once defined it. When the band cries “Dead Bars Forever,” they mean it.


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Japandroids, Joyce Manor, Bob Mould, Los Campesinos!, PUP, Sheer Mag
Explicit Tracks
#3, 5, 6, 7