Born Again Floozies

Born Again Floozies
Street Music
Triple R Records
ADDS 8/26/08
A voluptuously surreal performance: the rhythm section is two tap dancers and a tuba, the singer plays guitar the way most people play the piano. Steve Albini describes the Born Again Floozies as "a rock band with extras, but that's comically understated. Kind of like saying Franz Liszt merely waltzed." But we like to think of them as brilliant Fellini-esque songmongers. The Born Again Floozies are guitar, tap dance, a 1922 marching bass drum, and tuba. If you appreciate the originality of Tom Waits, and the flare of the Flaming Lips, you'll dig the Floozies. Street Music delivers a raw and powerful beauty. Recorded and mixed by Steve Albini.
RIYL: Rev. Glasseye, Gogol Bordello
TRY: #1, 3, 4 - DIRTY #5, 14
Full Album Available Here: