Annuals–Frelen Mas: Be He Me B-Sides–Ace Fu

From the quiet capitol of North Carolina, Annuals are as close as possible to being a family without sharing the same DNA. Long-time friends Adam Baker (Singer/Songwriter), Kenny Florence (Guitar) and Mike Robinson (Bass) have been in bands together since they were children, about 7 years now. In the last few years, Zack Oden (Drums/Guitar), Anna Spence (Piano/Synth), and Nick Radford (Drums), no one over the age of 22, have joined the vast lineup. This multi-talented group cannot be typecast in the lineup however; members often switch instruments live and in studio and offer input in the way of samples, vocals and percussion creating what might be called a musical commune. Annuals have a sophisticated and layered sound that belies the age of twenty-year-old lead singer and songwriter, Adam Baker. Adam’s creativity has truly found a place to evolve and blossom as he has embedded himself in a group of extremely talented musicians, which has made it possible for the creation of sprawling, hypnotic tracks that are elaborate yet impeccably polished. From the vocals, which alternate between sweet and otherworldly to loud shouts of glee, to the mammoth guitar explosions and strange indiscernible noises, Annuals infuse their music with an array of intense emotions.