Chris Bathgate–A Corktale Wake–Quite Scientific

i write songs some are simple some are not some are nostaglic some come from dark places some are written from your perspective some from mine some switch back and forth some i play alot some never some were written in stairwells of parking garages some were written at a friends parents cabin some were recorded in your bedroom some in my basement some took a long long time to finish some i knew before i wrote them some i have forgotten some i havent learned yet some make me shiver when i hear them some i cannot sing some are allegorical some of them are ealier versions of a different song but sound nothing alike some are so encoded so that you cannot figure out it is about you some are so obvious that you cant figure out it is about you some are about love as and idea some are about love as an action some are musically modelled after the progression of a relationship between two people some were written in a very small room in Maine. all are true all are something that happend all are an idea all are deeply rooted in my heart.