Good Sign
Portland’s Rani Gupta has played a supporting role in DIY punk and indie bands for several years. Good Sign is her first attempt at writing/singing her own creations.
Joined by veterans of the radical underground, she specializes in understated, fuzzy punk informed by 90s indie, 2000s pop punk, and contemporaries such as Radiator Hospital, Joyride, Swearin’, etc. Her lyrics address insecurity, uncertainty, self-care and identity in conversational terms.
Folks like Rani and company create art within a context of building community and radical kindness. Like the most potent DIY culture, Good Sign’s music is inseparable from a sense of purpose that is motivated by the struggle toward a better world.
RIYL: Radiator Hospital, Superchunk, (early) Blink 182
TRY: #1, 2
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