Wild Throne
"Wild Throne is a heavy metal band from Bellingham, WA and they will F... you up. The group sounds a little like what would happen if The Dillinger Escape Plan had a huge jam session with Queens of The Stone Age. "Harvest of Darkness" carries with it a lot of catchier sensibilities that swerve off the road into murderous riffing. It sounds like diving into some kind of pool of hellfire and rock. The video shows the trio playing in a large field, while what looks to be the end of the world happens in the background. I mean, if the world is going to end in a wave of dark and evil, might as well go out playing killer riffs, right?" - Noisey
“And Wild Throne, too, are essentially peerless. Harvest Of Darkness is going to be studied like scripture by young woodshedders, but Wild Throne don’t just fire off pyrotechnics to dazzle jaw-dropped audiences. These are kickass, climactically structured songs that combine elements of arena rock, prog, psychedelia, and several metal subgenres; Wild Throne often doing more in one song than some bands manage over entire careers, and still it somehow sounds … not effortless, exactly — because you can tell these guys put in the work — but absolutely natural.” – Stereogum
"a deranged hardcore twang a la Converge, a galloping Motörhead riff, fusion-y Mars Volta-style guitar acrobatics — oh, and a whistle" - NPR All Songs Considered
RIYL: Mars Volta, Refused, Mutoid Man, Deafheaven
TRY: #1, 8, 3, 2
DIRTY: #6, 7, 11
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