
Mint 400 Records
ADDS 6/19/18
“How could you not be impressed by Tiegan? She’s a good songwriter who pours her heart into it and records herself.” Matt Jensen | divideandconquermusic.com
All the years of listening to all the classic old jazz standards and living inside their bittersweet harmonic undertones proved fruitful when Tiegan, whose sole member is Kayla Salewsky, wrote her first full-length and cohesive album, "Gold," after years of writing lo-fi bedroom singles. Tiegan is always drawing on the disharmony of the arrangements of old classics such as "Nature Boy;" you know, those background pianists or guitarists who are jumping around the scales with odd-fitting chords— and "Gold" strives to sit itself in a universe of warm darkness— both lyrically and melodically.
It seems the folk-y, minimalistic approach to discord lightens up the effect a bit, featuring plucked electric and classical guitars, ukulele, and piano. Almost all of the songs are improvisations from her very first attempts at songwriting, and some more scaffolding-like, such as "Somewhere," "Treasure," and single, "Oh What a Heavy Heart I'm Bound." Her single was inspired by a Blind Willie Johnson song, a kind of perpetual weight on your back that keeps you walking slow and tired, in repetition. The album frames itself around the outpouring effect of betrayal, despair, and hope beyond the anchors of grief and confusion. This album isn't for the day-tripper's playlist, but maybe for those who find themselves in some kind of aftermath themselves, and maybe want to escape— and maybe want to sit and soak in it, and maybe want to let it pass through them all at the same time in a way that isn't too ugly or uncomfortable.
Also available from Mint 400 Records by Tiegan: Friendly EP, Nothing EP, Reclaimed EP, Christmastime and coming this July All In Me Is Sound EP.
RIYL: Angel Olsen, Joanna Newsom, Marissa Nadler, Ella Fitzgerald
TRY: #2, 1, 5
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