Submit to play CMJ Music Marathon 2012 and win a prize package from Pirate! and Sneak Attack Media


Pirate! Promotion & Sneak Attack Media are teaming up to help make sure one band gets the most out of their trip to the CMJ Music Marathon in October!

In addition to getting a chance to play CMJ 2012, anyone who applies by the 26th will be in the running to win one sweet package. One artist who enters through Sonicbids will be chosen to win a six-week digital marketing campaign, courtesy of Sneak Attack Media. The campaign will entail creative strategy, asset seeding to websites and blogs, and social media optimization and promotion. The same lucky winner will receive one full/national college radio promotion campaign through Pirate!. What’s that mean? It means that Pirate! will help said artist receive airplay at CMJ reporting stations in advance of their trip to CMJ 2012.

Submit here:

New England Acts who want to hear more about the promotion and playing CMJ in general should come to the next Rock Shop Boston @ Great Scott on 6/18! More on that here: