Pirate! Island 2010
Pirate! Island 2010 – #pirateisland
Join Pirate! for this year’s party/showcase/contest/scavenger hunt during the CMJ Music Marathon in NYC!
(by Tim Fite)
Our official party will be at Fontana’s on Friday 10/22 from Noon-6pm and will feature giveaways / prizes / beverages / good times with your favorite promoters and some of your favorite bands:
Devotchka (Anti-)
Generationals (Park The Van)
Mynabirds (Saddle Creek)
Dan Mangan (Arts & Crafts)
Deluka (Vel)
Field Days (Guise)
The party, as well as some other soon to be announced events/locations, will be part of a week long contest. Find your favorite Pirate! during CMJ for a laminate which will serve as your game-piece and help you try to win some great prizes. Be sure you’re following @piratepirate on twitter and hash-tagging #pirateisland through the week for chances to win!
To kick off the week we’ll be having a showcase Wednesday 10/20 from Noon-6pm at Fontana’s, and will feature music from:
Smoke Or Fire (Fat Wreck)
Hot Panda (Mint)
Your Youth (Gigantic)
Snake Rattle Rattle Snake (unsigned)
RSVP to all of the above here:
Venue info / contest updates / etc:
For those not attending CMJ we’ll be having a scavenger hunt you can play from home/your station. More details HERE!
Last but not least, thanks for the ten (10!) CMJ College Radio Award Nominations this year! Don’t forget to Vote Pirate! when you get to CMJ!