Let Them Know

Let Them Know
Various Artists
ADDS 10/27/09
25 Years Of Youth Brigade and BYO Records
SO, WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THIS COMP? When we began this project, we figured we should go back to our roots since we started the label with the classic Someone Got Their Head Kicked In compliation. We thought about how we could best pay tribute to all the amazing bands that BYO has had the privilege to work with throughout the years. We dug deep into our catalog and have produced an amazing compilation featuring our favorite bands, bands we have worked with as well as bands we've always wanted to work with! The premise we gave each artist that agreed to take part was to pick one song, any song out of our catalog and do their take on it. What has resulted is a one-of-a-kind compliation!
DIRTY: #1, 4, 5, 11, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31
Full Album Available Here: