Joe Henry–Blood From Stars


Joe Henry
Blood From Stars
ADDS 7/28/09

Joe Henry’s new record Blood From Stars begins with a poignant and haunting piano prelude before launching into “The Man I Keep Hid,” a raw, bluesy track undercut with a ghostly voice of a man rambling on before Henry comes in with the first line “nobody knows the man that I keep hid.” An apt beginning for Henry’s eleventh full-length record, for Blood From Stars reveals a side of Henry rarely glimpsed in his recent work, which has been notable in its suave urbanity, poetic lyricism and literary sensibility. Rather, the new work is a passionate and direct breakthrough from one of today’s most acclaimed singer songwriters. “It’s more emotionally available, certainly less mannered,” says Henry, speaking of the difference between Blood From Stars and his 2007 release Civilians. “It’s much more electric, in the literal and also the emotional sense of the word. It is raw, with many loose threads hanging.” Backed by a handpicked collection of players, including Marc Ribot (Tom Waits, Elvis Costello) who worked with Henry on his 2001 release Scar and acclaimed jazz pianist Jason Moran, Henry crafted Blood From Stars with a clear idea of structure, but also with a refreshingly open and fluid approach to the outcome of the songs, creating a loose, swinging, vital sound.

RIYL: Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Randy Newman
TRY: #2, 5 - All Tracks Clean

Full Album Available Here: