Half Acre Day

Half Acre Day
Primo de la Rocket Suit
ADDS 9/16/08
I'm thankful there is air all around me. In the vast blackness of deep-space, you would never hear Half Acre Day coming. How could one ever appreciate their intricate superposition of spherical pressure waves if one were in a vacuum? Instead of appreciating their complex harmonies, we would all be busy in the act of asphyxiation! So let’s rejoice we're all in this 'cab', taken for a ride at 1 Astronomic Unit, around this fusion blast furnace known as the Sun. Be happy that its atmospheric envelope causes this music to be brought to you at the speed of sound; inducing capacitative changes in microphones to save it for posterity. Let’s leave it up to the electron to traverse the vacuum in the amps' triode and pentode tubes, or jump the p-n silicon junctions, allowing these sounds to be produced, recorded and reproduced such that ear membranes vibrate, ossicles oscillate, nerve cells fire, and axions perform their intricate ion-exchange dance so that our brains will register them. After that there is only one thing left to do: enjoy!
NOTE: This is Half Acre Day's 2002 release, we wanted to get it out to some of you who supported the latest record. If you like what you hear and you want a copy let us know.
Full Album Available Here: