Guilty Giraffe


Guilty Giraffe
Running on Empty
Mint 400 Records
ADDS 5/22/18

"these dude’s aren’t just wild and crazy loud, Mat and Felipe are both talented way beyond their years as well as hard working and ambitious enough to carve out a niche for themselves in this scene." - Adam McGuire / NJ Racket

"Guilty Giraffe is one of those drums/guitar duos that can sound like an army - in the tradition of The White Stripes if you will, although they don't sound anything like them. Rather, Mat McGinnis and Felipe Reis play an ever evolving kind of post punk that flirts with drone rock, noise rock, post-hardcore and psychedelia." - The Deli NYC

Guilty Giraffe are a a band hailing from Sleepy Hollow, NY, blending genres such as punk, grunge, shoegaze, and metal into one big melting pot of controlled chaos. The band has been playing around the NY, NJ area for almost 3 years now consistently. Guitarist/vocalist Mathew McGinnis introduces lush and powerful layers of guitars over Felipes controlled but rampant drumming. New bassist, Will Vellek, although not on the EP, holds down their live set with tight, punchy bass lines. The band has described this EP as a teaser, or almost b-sides to an album they will release later this year, it only serves as proof the band has pushed their sound even farther are consistently putting out unique and interesting music.

This release follows up their past two projects, A Time to Slime, Server Error, and single Washed Out, all available on Mint 400 Records. All of their projects are almost entirely self produced with the exception of this project being mastered by a friend, Eathan Weissman. The EP seems to offer a more light hearted, poppier side to Guilty Giraffe, but they still introduce thick layers of fuzzy breakdowns, and powerful fist clenching choruses. This band will be sure to catch the ears of listeners who like No Age, A Place to Bury Strangers, Cloud Nothings, Fugazi, Metz, and Deftones.

RIYL: No Age, A Place to Bury Strangers, Cloud Nothings, Metz, The Garden
TRY: #1, 2, 3

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