
The Globes
Sinter Songs EP
ADDS 7/6/10
"...the band subtly contrasts loud and quiet, making for carefully crafted guitar rock that's beautiful, but with a bang." - The Stranger
"The Globes, from Spokane, are way up there on the list of great acts that made their mark on the local indie-pop scene this year, meaning that Seattle's next big thing may actually come from beyond the mountains...hints of darkness and discord... moody yet warm, deep and lovable. It's the ideal kind of music to get attached to, not demanding attention but definitely meriting it." - Seattle Weekly
"Watching The Globes last night sealed my opinion of that band as a thing of budding greatness." - Reverb (Seattle Weekly music blog)
" limit The Globes into one concrete genre is a waste...however you want to classify their sound, it’s damn good, and very original." - What's Up Magazine
"These songs sound like a cross between Pinback and Medications, but comparing The Globes to other bands is more like comparing apples and oranges. Their music is hard to specifically categorize because the band sounds more like creators rather than emulators. The Globes keep each minute intriguing, whether it's through tempo changes, the undercurrent of math rock, or the addition of an effect pedal. They know when to be subtle and when to hook you in with intricately interwoven guitar lines. Both songs here showcase the band's tightly-wound sound that is both relaxed and sharp." -
The Globes spent the fall of 2009 writing and recording new music with veteran producer John Goodmanson (Blonde Redhead, Death Cab for Cutie, Unwound), resulting in the release of the Sinter Songs EP.
DIRTY: #1 - TRY: #2, 3, 4
Full Album Available Here: