

A Retrospective 2001-2011
Mint 400
ADDS 11/22/11

"Pipeman and lead guitarist Neil Sabatino is an amazing songwriter. Wistful, sardonic, bitter yet hopeful words wrapped up in impressive riffs and surrounded by catchy beats... Fairmont never disappoints - Deb Draisin | Jersey Beat

"Retrospectives and greatest hits should serve to give people an intro to a band, and Fairmont‘s Retrospective: 2001-2011 will do exactly that for the uninitiated. For longtime fans, it accomplishes the rare feat in accumulating a great deal of the songs I actually want to hear from Fairmont. (I would have included “Happiness is a Million Miles Away,” but if I only have one quibble, that’s impressive.) If you’re into guitar-rock, thoughtful lyrics, Jean-Paul Sartre references or uniquely catchy songs, you’ll want to check this release." - Stephen Carradini | Independent Clauses

"Now an accomplished vocalist as well as songwriter, Sabatino confidently guides the most accomplished and accessible incarnation of Fairmont to date, featuring gossamer-light indie-pop with harmony-laden vocals, rollicking melodies and full-bodied arrangements." - Jim Testa | The Star Ledger

"Fairmont makes the kind of quasi-twee indie pop that I wish was being made in more basements across America. Wonderful instrumentation that runs the gamut from math-rock to electro-pop." - WOUB-AM - Athens, Ohio

RIYL: Hot Panda, Immaculate Machine, Stars
TRY: #2, 4, 7, 8, 13

FAIRMONT - White Light (Acoustic Version) by Neil Sabatino

Full Album Available Here:

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