Empty Houses


Empty Houses
Sargent House
ADDS 6/7/16

“In an industry lacking depth and raw talent, this trio is already leaps and bounds ahead of their peers, with potential to crossover into a mainstream mainstay.”– Noisey

“’Daydream’ is irresistible...a savvy statement in the language of Motown and Phil Spector’s ‘wall of sound’ production”- Billboard

“The next band to change your life” – Under The Gun Review

Empty Houses may well be the best-kept secret in Detroit. Until now, the trio has been crafting the songs that comprise its debut album, Daydream, in relative secrecy, which is ironic considering the sheer infectiousness of their sound and a lingering hunch that their music – a heady, euphoric mixture of pop Americana that merges everything from soul and doo-wop to funk and indie rock - is about to become beloved by many.

Empty Houses formed in 2014 when vocalist Ali Shea began writing songs with Adam Mercer and David Mackinder, quickly discovering a truly potent chemistry between themselves. United by a love for their regional forebears at Motown, the trio set out to create a timeless breed of feel-good music that pays homage to the past while incorporating modern production savvy. Harnessing the spirit and energy of a bygone era with deft musicianship and Shea’s rich, soulful vocals, they emerged with something wholly unique in contemporary pop.

Produced by four-time Grammy-winner Graham Marsh (Gnarls Barkley, Bruno Mars, CeeLoGreen) and Empty Houses at Parhelion Studios in Atlanta, Daydream marks the first release for the Detroit based group. Throughout it’s 10 tracks, the album is as enduring as it is uplifting. Awash in piano and horns, the harmonizing vocals and traditional song structures are untainted by passing fads and studio trickery. It’s heart-on-your-sleeves rock n’ roll without pretense or irony, a touchstone signifying a new appreciation for a classic sound.

Lily Allen, Kate Nash, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, Bruno Mars
TRY: #2, 8, 7, 6

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