Deleted Scenes


Deleted Scenes
Lithium Burn
Park The Van Records
ADDS 4/15/14

Check out the Pitchfork Advance here!

“While the Scenes make with the churning, burning and turning, Scheuerman wigs all the way out, his voice bubbling and squeaking like Flanders after a fistful of ghost peppers. Though the wheedling guitars and Scheuerman's overloaded-circuit vocals skirt annoyance at every turn, the stupendously unstable "Stutter" gets by on its total commitment to confusion.” - Pitchfork

“The sound of Deleted Scenes, a D.C.-based quartet formed in 2005, is potent, angular and distinct. The lyrics of Dan Scheuerman, who sings and plays guitar, can be simultaneously poetic and direct. The best part of Deleted Scenes is the unexpected, the unpredictable, and "Stutter" is a perfect example of their hard-to-label style.” - NPR

“songs like "You Get to Say Whatever You Want" practically quake with cathartic force.” - SPIN

RIYL: Conveyor, Soft Swells, Generationals, Minus The Bear, Yeasayer
TRY: #3, 7, 8
DIRTY: #11

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