City And Colour–Bring Me Your Love–Vagrant

City And Colour
Bring Me Your Love
ADDS 2/19/08
Dallas Green is better known as the dulcet voice of Alexisonfire. During some time off between tours, Green assembled a collection of songs he had been writing over the years.He released a very limited pressing of the songs which he recorded using only acoustic guitar and his plaintive voice. Something in these tracks resonated with people in a completely unanticipated way.
“Bring Me Your Love” is City and Colour’s sophomore studio album and first "formally" available in the U.S. It evolves and adds layers to the sentiments in those vulnerable moments shared by Green on his original independent release.
RIYL: Iron and Wine, Sun Kil Moon, Elliott Smith
TRY: 3, 5, 6, 10
Full Album Available Here: