Cadence Weapon–Afterparty Babies–Anti

Straight outta Edmonton comes Cadence Weapon and his highly anticipated Epitaph/Anti- debut, Afterparty Babies. Cadence Weapon (born Rollie Pemberton) burst on the scene with his acclaimed debut Breaking Kayfabe, which was awarded “Best Rap Album of 2006” at the Plug Awards and garnered critical praise from both the urban and indie music scenes alike. Mixing electro-tones and clever cultural references and a mad flow, Cadence Weapon steps it up on Afterparty Babies. At just 21, he has played with Jurassic 5, Spank Rock and the Go! Team, remixed Lady Sovereign and challenged the standard notions of what goes into constructing an important hip hop artist. Out March 4th, Afterparty Babies is a 14 track, 58 minute dance rap party epic, dedicated to “all the accidents out there”.
RIYL: Busdriver, Aesop Rock, Sage Francis
TRY: #2, 6, 11
Full Album (CLEAN AND DIRTY) Available Here: