Brooke Black
Contact Brooke:
brooke at piratepirate dot com
IM: thatsforshire
Brooke Black grew up playing music. Her mother is an acclaimed pianist and
her father is a photographer so the arts were always prominent in her life.
She was classically trained in piano from age 4 and later played jazz piano, clarinet, sax, the egg shaker, guitar, etc. Her major at Boston University was magazine journalism and art
history. She wanted to keep music in her life somehow though and after
being inspired by a friend at a surf shop she worked at, started interning
for Hopper PR in Chicago. The ladies at Hopper were truly an inspiration to
her and she thanks them to this day for teaching her everything she knows.
She then ended up overseas at Southern Records UK and worked for a
skate/punk magazine called the Big Cheese where she did everything from
interview Sum 41 to art direction and copy editing. After a stint at
Planetary in Boston and an even longer one at Fanatic Promotion in NYC she
joined forces with the Pirate! team, some of her closest friends. It was a
natural progression and has been a happy 5-way marriage ever since. When
she’s not traveling off to faraway lands or soaking up the glory that is NYC
she is busy trying to learn six different language at once. It’s an uphill
Steve on Brooke:
Brooke actually landed on earth riding the tail of Hailey’s Comet. After
crashing into a cornfield in rural Illinois she found a farers house to sit
and watch Night of the Comet over and over again until she understood where
she came from. At the young age of 15 she got into the Rave scene and made
her living selling glow sticks! The big pants were not comfortable though
so she moved back to the cornfield and is waiting for her comet to come back
for her….
ST: Are you and Bethany really twins separated at birth?
BB: No, we were former lovers and discovered our true calling together:
Hair dye. A blog about it is on tap soon.
ST: Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
BB: I’m not sure, but I eat vegetarians. Frankly they taste kind of bland
and give me the Pepto Bismol dance.
ST: If you could be another Pirate! For a day who would it be?
BB: Bethany because she’s edgy and she dates a man in a box. Or Canada
because I want to know what it’s like to be a ladies man.
ST: How do you get in Time Out NY?
BB: Walk in the door.
ST: Do you think the comet is ever really coming back?
BB: Interesting.