Brad Senne


Brad Senne
Aerial Views
Grain Belt Records
ADDS 4/27/10

Growing up on the outskirts of a small farming community in Southern Minnesota Brad Senne spent the majority of his youth immersed in hardcore and punk rock. He went on to play in a multitude of bands eventually gaining notoriety for his hardcore band Picturesque in the late 1990's after signing with Trustkill Records. He decided to branch out and with more freedom as a songwriter he started playing his own brand of solo acoustic folk rock. His expanding vocabulary drew upon the musical influences of his heroes Bob Dylan, Elliott Smith, Iron and Wine, Wilco, and Muddy Waters. Senne's blend of hypnotic, breathy indie pop showcases his stripped-down compositions. In 2009 Mike Boeser of Grain Belt Records signed Senne and in 2010 will re-release the 2009 album Aerial Views. The album received raved reviews and was voted a top 10 album of the year by The Onion - A.V. Club in the Twin Cities. Aerial Views has two new songs and has been re-mixed with added instrumentation by Ben Durrant of Crazy Beast Studios (Andrew Bird, Roma di Luna). Senne plays almost all instruments on this album including guitar, bass, piano and keyboards, resulting in 11 songs that range from simple finger picking guitar ballads to lush instrumental arrangements.

“With his ethereal voice and keen sense of beauty and melody, Senne creates the kind of ghostly magic that Bon Iver and Nick Drake did before him.” - The Onion - A.V Club – Twin Cities

“Simply put, Aerial Views is a must-own album for fans of indie folk, and it's a highly listen-able album that can be played again and again without wearing out its welcome.” - City Pages Mpls

“With a haunting but harmonious voice à la Fleet Foxes' Robin Pecknold and a Nick Drake/Elliott Smith acoustic style, Minneapolis folkie Brad Senne could well be on his way to an indie buzz.” - Minneapolis Star Tribune

RIYL: Iron and Wine, Bon Iver, Nick Drake
TRY: #3, 4

Full Album Available Here: