Bear Colony–We Came Here To Die–Esperanza Plantation

A little under a year ago an idea was hatched in a empty bedroom with a computer and some electronic beats. At the forefront of this musical journey was the idea of friendship and a desire to be around people who are comforting. The goal was simple: to form a collective of friends who were excited about working on a project together that might never see the light of day…it would be our secret joy to do when we were feeling creative. What we have to offer is simple, music that hopefully will move you in the way it has moved us. We will always be honest in our attempts because we have nothing to lose. This is the Bear Colony…We have sewn our roots in other musical projects like: Lovedrug, Eso Charis, Snailhuntr, Unwed Sailor, Decahedron, Ester Drang, American Tourist, and Chase Pagan