Army Navy


Army Navy
Army Navy
The Fever Zone
ADDS 9/30/08

Long before Benjamin Gibbard hopped in the Death Cab and established the Postal Service, the tuneful young man played in a little-known Pacific Northwest act called Pinwheel. Gibbard's partner-in-rock at the time was one Justin Kennedy, and the two split vocal duties. Flash forward to 2007, and Kennedy has relocated to Los Angeles and returned with a new act, Army Navy, on the brink of releasing their debut full length. Having manned the producer's chair on the The Little Album That Could, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah's web-storming self-titled debut, board-man Adam Lasus lends his touch to this first album as well. What's more, joining Kennedy and fellow troopers Louie Schultz (lead guitar, keys) and Ben Gaffin (bass) on the Army Navy debut is none other than drummer Pete Thomas, of Elvis Costello's Attractions.- Pitchfork Media

RIYL: Spinto Band, Teenage Fanclub, Vampire Weekend
TRY: #2, 3, 4, 6

Full Album Available Here: