AM Taxi
"If you haven’t felt like you’ve been on par lately and life has been one big downer, then you’re in need of something to cheer you up. We Don’t Stand a Chance can be categorized under “music that makes you feel good”, damn good to be sure. Simply put AM Taxi’s latest release will lift your spirits faster than you can remember why you were ever down in the first place. Rockin’ steadily from beginning to end We Don’t Stand a Chance is vibrant, upbeat, and melodically fantastic. Singer and guitarist Adam Krier’s voice is full of energy while also smooth and slightly raspy. And, though many vocalists have a distinguished sound that makes them more or less appealing, Krier’s is well rounded. You’ll undoubtedly find yourself sucked into Krier’s vocals and pretending you can sing just as good as he does. Of course Krier wouldn’t be as noticeably potent without the rest of AM Taxi’s contributing members: John Schmitt (guitar, backup vocals), Luke Schmitt (keyboard, backup vocals), Jason Schultejann (bass) and Chris Smith (drums, backup vocals.)" - Wonka Vision
RIYL: Hot Water Music, Nothington, Smoke Or Fire
TRY: #1, 2, 3, 5 - DIRTY: #8, 9, 10
Full Album Available Here: