Set Your Goals


Set Your Goals
Burning At Both Ends
ADDS 6/28/11

Back in full force, Set Your Goals will keep the momentum going with the follow-up to their infectious and dynamic album, This Will Be The Death of Us. Duel vocalists Matt Wilson and Jordan Brown’s flawless delivery on the opening track “Cure For Apathy” captures the SYG sound and energy we know so well as they trade off singing duties. “Certain,” a soon to be fan favorite, highlights Joe Saucedo’s solid bass lines with passionate lyrics and engaging guitar solos.

Keeping it real for die hard fans, Burning At Both Ends has a definitive Set Your Goals sound with their energetic, head-bobbing riffs and gang vocals while staying completely fresh with sing-along choruses and lyrics everyone can relate to. The album delivers with the fast and hard-hitting track, “Trenches” that showcases Dan Coddaire and Audelio Flores’ catchy melodies and guitar riffs. “Exit Summer,” brings back 90’s hardcore with a melodic twist, an irresistible combination. SYG finishes the album with “Not As Bad” where Mike Ambrose demonstrates his tightknit drumming with crazy fills on top of pleasant harmonies - a great way to close out the album.

Don’t miss your chance to see one of the most energized performances of the summer as Set Your Goals will hit the road for the entire Vans Warped Tour this year. Contact us for all opportunities!

RIYL: A Day To Remember, New Found Glory, Motion City Soundtrack, Four Year Strong
TRY: #1, 2, 3, 6, 8

Full Album Available Here:

More Info Here:!/setyourgoals