Chilly Gonzales


Chilly Gonzales
The Unspeakable Chilly Gonzales
Arts & Crafts
ADDS 6/21/11

After his Guinness World Record, the album and the Locarno film festival prize- winning feature film IVORY TOWER, the single NEVER STOP chosen by Apple for their IPAD ad and the inter-planetary video hit YOU CAN DANCE with its near 1 million You Tube views, the musical genius brings us a Limited Edition of symphonic spoken word:

THE UNSPEAKABLE CHILLY GONZALES”, the first-ever all-orchestral rap album and live show ... the dramatic next step after piano-rap classics “The Grudge” and “Crying” from IVORY TOWER.

Chilly Gonzales warned us of rap with "no beats" in 2000 (The Entertainist). Since then, he created the all-piano rap mixtape “Pianist Envy” (250 000 downloads) and “Solo Piano” fan Drake hand-picked Gonzo to accompany him on stage. Today, he brings some “Gonzpiration” to the rap game. Accompanied by Hollywood swells, tympani rolls, noble French horns, hypnotizing bells and influenced by Prokofiev, Morricone and Phillip Glass among others, this record is Chilly Gonzales’ 'professional confessional', revealing more of himself on these monologues than ever before.

Accompanied live by a chamber orchestra, Chilly Gonzales will explore the idea ofwhatamodernmaestrois. The arrangements by his Hollywood film-composing brother Christophe Beck, take center stage alongside Gonzo’s eccentric personality.

Chilly Gonzales - Supervillain Music by Arts & Crafts

RIYL: Mike Patton, Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi, Busdriver
TRY: #1, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
DIRTY: #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

Full Album Available Here:

More Info Here:!/chillygonzales