Grasser is the recording project of cousins Biff Swenson (Earth Telephone, Yawn Mower) & Nick Gianatiempo (Les Dangers, Prehistoric Forest) with a revolving cast of members that now features frequent collaborator Dana Yurcisin (Static Sex) taking over on lead vocals for this release. Composed over the past year since moving to Philadelphia, Swenson curated the production over the past few months with the band members, Dana & Nick, engineering the project. Mastered by Bill Henderson at Azimuth, "Later, Registration" is another Kanye West reference, a continuation of their 2016 release, "College Dropout(s)."
The band plans to put together a live representation for a special indie showcase this fall through Mint 400 Records.
RIYL: Yawn Mower, Cyclone Static, The Strokes
DIRTY: #1, 4 (Clean edits included in download folder)
TRY: #3, 6, 7
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