Secretary Legs
Part post-punk, part pop, part indie squeal, the debut full length Cool Myths from New Brunswick, NJ’s Secretary Legs has arrived. The trio of bassist/vocalist K.G. Gogan, drummer Eric Truchan, and guitarist Dashiell Coombs came together out of NJ greats Brick Mower and the Soft Maybes. After releasing two excellent EPs in 2015 and 2016, the band brings their barrage of pop hooks and no b.s. attitude to full fruition on Cool Myths. “Nursing Home” kicks off the album with the power pop glory of Blue Album Weezer, if Rivers and co. were actually hammering songs out in the garage instead of just singing about it.
“Plow the Atlas” and “Weez” have the art rock dynamics of Surfer Rosa-era Pixies. “Wind Blown and Well Versed” encapsulates the punk romanticism of Jawbreaker and early Green Day and any fan of either band will instantly fall in love with it. Each song on Cool Myths gets straight to the point so the album pummels you in to submission with great melody after great melody. Succumb to the garage rock greatness of Secretary Legs. You won’t regret it.
RIYL: The Coathangers, L.A. Witch, Weezer, Pixies
TRY: #1, 2, 4, 5
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