

ADDS 4/2/13

Generationals span generations, reach across genres, and are one Natalie Portman quote away from changing your life, I swear.” - The Big Takeover

“What Generationals are good at is writing rock and soul ear worms that replicate the sonic aesthetics of classic 1950s and ’60s records.” - NY Times

“these guys have specialized in that happy-go-lucky brand of indie pop that’s perfect for hanging out and doing nothing.” - NYLON

“High melodic vocals, organs, horns and sticky guitar lines come together in this New Orleans band to make a sound that will keep bouncing around in your head for days.” - Paste

“Hopefully, Generationals have more for us in the near future.” - Under The Radar

Recorded in phases between Public Hifi in Austin, Bent Black studio in D.C., and the band’s hometown of New Orleans, Heza finds Generationals more satisfied in songs that breathe and grow over time.

These songs show restraint, with the hooks developing in the spaces between sounds and an attention to rhythms and textures revealing a more patient band willing to dig for deeper gems than in their previous work.

Tracks like “You Got Me” and “Put a Light On” use minimalist electronic frameworks to match the intensity of more straightforward guitarwork on “Spinoza” and “I Never Know,” all of them placing the focus more on layers and arrangements than on forcing the hook.

On Heza, Generationals aren’t so much shedding their old skin as growing more comfortable in the one they’ve always inhabited.

RIYL: STRFKR, Freelance Whales, Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr, Telekinesis
TRY: #1, 4, 5, 6

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