Shane-Michael Vidaurri


Shane-Michael Vidaurri
The Cat Man Returns
Mint 400 Records
ADDS 6/20/17

"Sultry, sweet, country, folk, rock favored, genuine and simply beautiful music." - Loudvine

THE CAT MAN RETURNS by Shane-Michael Vidaurri is the product of the world-renowned comic book artist Shane-Michael Vidaurri with the added lush orchestrations of his former bandmates (The Ashes) Alec Hanslowe and Mister Tom (also of Mint 400 Records). Shane-Michael was also happy to include Vic Ruggiero into the fold, the organ player of The Slackers and Rancid.

This newest record is a masterpiece of Lo-Fi Indie, with songs like "Heart Of Coal" which almost seems like it could be a Tom Petty cover. This new record is a gigantic step forward for Vidaurri musically, as it shows a more adventurous, (like the electronic "Who Are All These Famous People Younger Than Me") and political side (like "Alt-Right F*uck Off) than his previous album, THE CAT MAN IS SAD. This album is destined to be an indie classic. Like all of Vidaurri's previous albums it feels like it borrows a huge variety of influence from across the last 40 years, from The Clash to Carly Rae Jepsen. Vidaurri who took a break from music to put out his critically acclaimed comic "Iscariot" has returned to music with a renewed passion that is evident in every track.

RIYL: Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Ashes, Jason Lytle, Eels
DIRTY: #3, 5 (clean edits included in downloads folder)
TRY: #10, clean edits of #3 & 5

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