Murzik - Who Is Gone
Murzik is a gypsy indie folk four-piece band from Minneapolis, Minnesota, that started in 2003.The band name comes from the common Russian name for cats. Duluth News Tribune describes Murzik as the “combin[ed] zestiness of gypsy swing with the somber tones of some Eastern European folk music.” They utilize saxophone, bells, dark fiddle, accordion, mandolin and glockenspiel, with bass, drums and acoustic guitar. Murzik cites influence from Édith Piaf and traditional Russian music, such as Vladimir Vysotsky. They draw comparison to the music of DeVotchKa, Nick Cave, Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen.
“Murzik creates acoustic music with an Eastern European flavor. Murzik is one of a number of local bands who are drawing from other eras and cultures…You can find it in the brooding, bluesy groove of the Pines. And you can’t miss it in the cross-cultural mish mash of Murzik. It’s music with so many influences it’s hard to label, even though some have tried. Chamber folk. Gothic folk.” – Chris Roberts | mprnews.org